Kathy Ferguson

"In violent times, the juridical, medical, and journalistic apparatuses worked overtime to mark the murders that mattered--the victims of attentats, not of strikebreaking; the anarchists' bombs, not the Pinkertons' guns; the wealthy at their leisure but not the poor in their distress. The deployments of discourse-producing institutions precede and make possible the meanings discernable within them. Interconnecting discursive practices within law, medicine, and media made it possible to claim that Goldman was dangerous--while resisting alternative inscriptions of danger. The discourses of danger surrounding Goldman and anarchism enabled a strategic non-seeing, a diminishing of other possible ethical and political engagements with other calculations of threat." (Pg 44-45. Kathy Ferguson's Emma Goldman: Political Thinking in the Streets.")


There's a violence in not being heard
There's a violence in not being seen
There's a violence in not being touched
There's a violence in not being loved

They say that I'm a liar
They say that I'm ugly
They say that I'm dirty
They say that I'm a savage

I just want you to listen
I just want you to look
I just want you to feel
I just want you to understand

You ignore me
You block me
You imprison me
You hate me

I can no longer talk
I can no longer walk
I can no longer interact
I can no longer be me

If you will not listen I will yell
If you will not look I will get in your way
If you will not feel then I will force
If you will not help me then I will destroy you