
Rants, ramblings, and feelings

It seems like every day I resolve to do something new or better… tomorrow. I’ll try to get rid of a bad habit or start a good one. But all too often I fall on my face and I don’t accomplish what I set out to do. I know this is something that most people do and feel regularly. My way of avoidance has always been through my work. I throw myself into my work when I don’t want to do something, or I use my work as an excuse not to do something. I say, I’ll do it tomorrow, then tomorrow comes, and I play on my phone half the morning avoiding said thing, then I say, “op, well I have to go do work, it’ll just have to wait until tomorrow… again…” I do this with so many things in my life, from getting more exercise to dealing with mental health issues. I’m actually doing it right now in this writing, as I beat around the bush as to what I want to say about a particular topic that I want and need to address and work on… I type and I type, then I stop and look at the screen, I sigh, it’s as if I don’t want to write down what I need to write down, or as if I don’t want to say it because if I say it, it will be that much more real, and harder to deal with… So why not just avoid it… lord knows I want to, and I know that I don’t want to post this publicly. But perhaps I need to. 

I know that many of you are going through similar struggles. I know that many of you avoid these topics like I do. I do know that it’s better facing these issues together rather than alone, so why do we bottle them up and try to avoid them… If you haven’t already guessed, I’m talking about depression. I am depressed as fuck right now. I know that it may not seem like it with my Facebook posts of me gallivanting across the globe, but the fact of the matter is you cannot run from depression, just as you can’t run and hide from any major problem that comes from within. In fact, me being on the other side of the world, away from my support network sometimes makes things a thousand times worse, because not only am I depressed, but I’m also lonely as fuck. There are days where the only people I talk to are wait staff at bars or restaurants I visit as I travel.

While I’m a very gregarious person who often has no trouble in meeting new people and making new friends, it’s hard to meet people when you feel so shitty; When you feel like an unlovable loser. I know I know, so many of you are saying, “you’re not unlovable, you’re not a loser, look at all your friends, look at all the things you have done.” I know, believe me, I know… I’m so happy to have so many wonderful, caring, and generous friends, colleagues, and family. You’re all wonderful, and if you have made it this far through this tedious rant, then you are extra special! Thank you! But unfortunately, that doesn’t change how I feel. 

I have all too often put my work first in so many situations, especially in love and relationships, which I deeply regret for so many reasons. And what has that gotten me, besides the loneliness, not a damn thing. My career isn’t better off, hell I can’t even find a job. I’ve put so many eggs into the academic basket that it’s hard to try and start over, and it has cost me so damn much, as I feel like I have sacrificed a shit ton to get to where I am, all for not… I keep telling myself that once I get a job, I can do this, or I can do that, I can find love, I can do more activism, because all the damn time, energy and money I spend on trying to get a job can be put to better use. But that’s only one part of all this depression. 

The other thing is this fucking world we live in… Are you fucking kidding me? Donald Fucking Trump? The guy is the fascist idiot son of an asshole. How the fuck did anyone think it was a good idea to elect this piece of shit? He’s a moron. I thought GW Bush was bad, but holy shit we have hit rock bottom. The worst part is there are still people who are supporting him. Sure, I get wanting to get an outsider because you’re sick of the party politics that get us nowhere. I truly do get it, and I will partially excuse folks who voted for him, but at this point if you still support him then there truly is something wrong with you, which is partially tied to how fucking mean and uncaring of one another we have all become. So many of us have become vindictive assholes who have forgotten what human decency is. There are a million different reasons and directions that I could go from here as to why… Capitalism, definitely… neoliberalism, for sure… technology, sometimes… racism, sexism, homophobia, of course… No matter what the cause, I think we all need to be a little more humble, shut the fuck up and listen a little more, empathize, and try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes from time to time. And for god’s sake read more fucking books and travel more! 

Sorry, I’ve gotten off topic and started to rant a bit too much… depression… yes, the world has me depressed, our politics has me depressed, these bullshit wars that we continue to fight has me depressed, I’m fat that has me depressed, I’m chronically single that has me depressed, there is a ton of shit in this world both internally and externally that has me depressed. BUT, I don’t necessarily want that depression to go away completely. I don’t want to be some self-absorbed happy go lucky asshole with my head in the clouds. Sometimes I need those feelings, I need that pain, and I need that anger. It makes me more creative at times. It helps drive me, especially in my work and activism. Which is why I throw myself into my work when I’m depressed. Sometimes it’s an act of avoidance, sometimes it’s an act of trying to make things right in the world… sometimes it’s healthy, sometimes it’s not. I’m constantly trying to find that balance, and it’s not easy. Because while there are times when I think that it all means something, that perhaps I’m making a difference, there are also those times when I think that it’s all pointless and I’d be better off dead… no I am not suicidal right now, but these thoughts do happen, I don’t know how often they do for others, but I bet it’s more frequently than we would like to admit. I think that we need to talk about these feelings more, and that we shouldn’t make them so taboo. I don’t think suicide is a sin, nor do I condemn those who chose that path. I am sad, very sad, especially when it’s a path taken by a loved one. We all start to think, was there more I could have done, was there more I could have said, was I a good enough friend… just know it is never your fault. That person was in a lot of pain, and now, they’re not. We’re in pain, but they are not. All to say, that we need to talk more about these things so that people won’t be afraid to say, “hey, I’m feeling worthless right now, I think I would be better off dead,” without people freaking out and further isolating that person. But instead, we avoid the hard conversations.

This brings me full circle. We avoid the conversation. We avoid doing what is good for us. We avoid doing what we know we need to do. We have many coping mechanisms that sustain this avoidance: drugs, alcohol, TV, Facebook, our phones, work, travel, the list goes on and on… One thing that I think helps, is human connection. Talking with one another. Hell, talking to a therapist or councilor. Talk to someone, or even write someone. And sometimes writing it down can be just as therapeutic as well, which is what I’m doing here… trying to write it down… I’m sort of talking with myself in a way. Trying to sort it all out for now. At the beginning of this I was feeling a bit out of sorts, and I do feel better now. See it works, for now! Anyways, thank you for reading this. Again, this is not a cry for help… just some ramblings and sorting out some depression that I have been feeling lately. Peace and love!


Becoming an expat

So I haven't written on my "present" blog since being in California, which feels like forever ago. So much has happened between now and then. For brevities sake, I continued through California, saw friends in Arizona and New Mexico, then spent three weeks with my dad in Texas (but also during that time I drove up to Kansas to watch the eclipse, though it was a bit overcast). I then flew to New Jersey and saw my two favorite bands (The Bouncing Souls & Lucero) perform on one stage! It was an amazing summer needless to say, filled with friends, family, national parks, music, and booze! 

Me & Stephanie at the Stone Pony before the Souls and Lucero played!!

Me & Stephanie at the Stone Pony before the Souls and Lucero played!!

It was then time to take the big trip east! I flew from Newark to Lisbon, Lisbon to Budapest. Thankfully, for a small fee, I was able to upgrade to first class on the last leg of my flight, which was pretty cool. I had already arranged a car to pick me up, and it was waiting for me as I exited bagging.  As we pulled up to my apartment, we were stopped a block short, as they were shooting a motorcycle scene for a upcoming spy thriller (my guess is The Red Sparrow with Jennifer Lawrence). My landlord, was thankfully waiting in the doorway, and then showed me around the neighborhood, also taking me to different ATM's to get the rent, since my card wasn’t working right away. My colleague and office mate, Yoav, saw I had arrived and invited me over for a small get-together. By the time the day was over, I was exhausted. The next day, I found my office and began to settle in, which my office is one of the only ones at CEU that overlooks the Danube River and the Buda Palace! 

View from my office!!

View from my office!!

Before I could get too settled in though, I was whisked off to Barcelona for the European International Studies Association, to give a presentation. For all my academic friends who may be reading this, know that this is one of my all-time favorite conferences to attend. Not only is it held in beautiful places (last time I went it was in Sicily, Italy), but most of the panels are critical and interesting. As on of my committee members Jairus Grove first explained it to me, "it's all the cool theory kids from around the world, who usually go to ISA, and without all the boring normative stuff." And sure enough that is what it was, both times. This time I was able to make a lot more connections and made a lot of friends who I will hopefully work with in the near future on different projects around militarism! The panels were great, the people were fantastic, and the food was amazing. I feel a little bad that I missed the last day, since me and some new found friends/colleagues were out till 7 am having fun! But that's the price for fun I guess.

La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia

I returned to Budapest reinvigorated to write. So far I have submitted one article for publication, another intervention series article, and a book proposal. I have also transitioned multiple chapters from dissertation format, to read more like a book should. Needless to say I have been a bit occupied. Though I have been trying to have fun as I have been exploring the city. The beginning of this past week my buddy Nic from SteakOut and his partner Kelsie, visited and we did a bunch of touristy things! Other than that I have been spending a lot of time playing my phone games, finding new places to eat, and arguing with folks on Facebook (mostly over the NFL players who have been kneeling in protest of the injustices folks of color face in this country and as of late gun control, which I will likely write about soon).

           There is a lot of things you learn about yourself when moving to a new country all by yourself. First and foremost is how much you rely on your community and how much you miss it once you don’t have it anymore. So much we all take for granted. But sometimes we need to go somewhere else for inspiration, or to be remotivated. Or how much you miss the little things, like good tacos, and being able to clearly express your thoughts to a complete stranger knowing they speak the same language as you (likely). I have found the bureaucracy sucks just as bad in other countries as it does in the US (sometimes worse since I do not speak the language, though sometimes that makes it better, ha).  I also realized that while I'm a decent cook, if my life depended on it, I could not make you an omelet (for some reason, there is something about folding the egg in half that always gets me). It gets lonely at times and it is those times I regret my decision, but then there are those moments when I am walking down the street gazing at beautiful old buildings or sitting in a café listening to all the different languages, that I am happy and thankful to be living in a different country & culture. That this is an amazing adventure, there is no doubt, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything (ok, that's not true, but there's not much I would trade it for).


         I really hope to start exploring more of Europe in the coming months! I'd like to get a few more countries off my list (currently sitting at 30). So we will see what adventures are on the horizon. That is my update for now. Hopefully more folks come to visit me soon, and I can show you some of the beauty Budapest has to offer! :)

The Parliament Building (Yes, that was shot with my iPhone!)

The Parliament Building (Yes, that was shot with my iPhone!)

Colorado to California

As I left Colorado a mix of excitement and yet a bit of sadness swept over me. On the Colorado/Utah border was a sign that said, "Now Leaving Colorful Colorado," and I thought to myself, when will I be back to this state that I love; honestly, I do not know. I drove across the Utah desertscape admiring the barren mountains, and playing cat & mouse with 2 blue cars down I-70. Then I turned South and headed towards Bryce Canyon National Park, arriving around 2 PM. The scenery was beautiful, but it upon first look, I realized that this would be a quick stop as my main goal was to visit Zion National Park. A quick downpour freshened the area as I pulled into Zion. The set up is interesting as half of the park you can drive through, while the other half you must take shuttles to. I ended up hiking around 8 miles seeing as much as I could see before the sun set, and taking the last shuttle out of the park.

Bryce National Park

Bryce National Park

Zion National Park

Zion National Park

The drive from St. George to Yosemite was long, but cathartic as I drove through the lonely deserts of Nevada and California. There were times when there was not another soul on the road, which was liberating and unnerving at the same time. I thought about the thousands of people driving on the interstate, and wondered why no one took these back roads and small highways. There was so much beautiful scenery, that many will never see, perhaps it's a secret that those who live there want to keep. Do those who live there wish to escape, or to be seen, or are they there to stay hidden and live in their slow pace of life? I pondered these things as I drove the windy roads, one being like a 10 mile long rollercoaster that had steep inclines and declines, making your stomach turn if you drove it too fast. Some of it looked like a fairytale, some a nightmare, but is there really a difference between the two…

I arrived to the backside of Yosemite and took my time driving through, stopping to take in the beautiful vistas, north of the Yosemite Valley. As driving in, a quick glimpse of Half-Dome could be seen, which excited me for the day to come. Driving through Yosemite National Park a wave of loneliness swept over me. There was so much beauty around me, and I just wished there was someone to share that with on a more intimate level. Strange enough, one of my favorite artists came over the radio, Tim Barry. It was a song titled, Wait at Milano, and it opens with him singing, "Let that lonely feeling go, let that lonely feeling go, let that lonely feeling go for just today…" The song goes on and seems to be meant to help a friend who is going through a rough time in life. I started thinking about loneliness, what does it mean and why do we feel it? It seems to be one of the most powerful feelings we face in the human condition. Some would chalk it up to the biological aspect and the drive to reproduce, or some may point to the utilitarian aspect in the ways that we rely on others in order to survive and live our day to day lives.

My reservations for the first night were for Cedar Lodge, just outside the park, which I would later find out was the site of the serial killer Cary Stayner. The room was extravagant as it had a huge bed and a jacuzzi. But at dinner my mood would change. Sitting at the table next to me was a family, a woman, her three daughters, and a father wearing a "Don't Tread on me" hat. The hat immediately turned me off, but I chose to ignore it, but what couldn't be ignored was his loud ignorant statements, such as: "that's how they teach you these days… Andrew Jackson was a great president… Might equals Right… how do you think we got our country… people just need to quit being lazy and work…" on and on it went. At one point, I said out loud, so hopefully he could hear me, "that's some ignorant bullshit." I feel like he did hear me because he was a little more hushed after that. I wanted to say so much more, but chose not to. Part of me wanted to go tell his children, "you're father is a moron." Hopefully they realize that for themselves.

The next day I was in Yosemite. I couldn't check in to my tent until 4, so I decided to hike around. Interestingly enough, I found myself thinking the same things I thought of while driving through the desert as I found trails where I was all alone, but also find trails that like the interstate were jam packed. The sites and scenery of Yosemite is legendary, and I was in awe of the beauty I saw. I hiked a trail up to Mirror Lake, where nearly no one was on. But at times from the trail could see the main path that was packed with people. As walking around, I was amazed at how many people didn’t just come to Yosemite for it's sights but also purely for recreation, as families came up to swim, bike, and just relax. It felt different from most National Parks I had been to, as many it seems purely for hiking and seeing beautiful vistas.

I walked back to the main village to grab a bite to eat, and to get away from the crowd I went to the upstairs restaurant. I sat at the bar, but where I could see the rest of the room. Within minutes I heard a loud annoying voice of a man rudely asking where his food was. I looked up to realize that it was the same guy from the night before who was wearing the "Don't Tread on me" hat. The bartender politely told him that the kitchen was behind and it would take 30 minutes to make his family's pizza, he stormed off in a huff. The waitress turned and I could see the frustration on her face, so I assured her not to worry, I ran into the guy the night before and I know that he is an asshole. She laughed, and refilled my drink. He came up again and ordered an appetizer, paid cash, and walked off without tipping. We both looked at each other, rolled our eyes, then laughed again. I wondered if he got slow service everywhere he went because he was an asshole, if he didn’t tip most people, if he always felt so entitled to say and treat people however he wanted. I could tell he had never spent a day of his life in the service industry, it is often easy to tell those who have not, because those who are shitty to service industry folks almost always have not worked as a server or bartender. I left mildly amused, but also a little irritated.

I walked into the information center and looked at the exhibits. I was glad that they do spend a significant portion looking at the indigenous people of the area, but a bit annoyed at how glorified those who removed them were. It seems to be this sort of give and take all across America. We try to honor the achievements of those who have been killed and oppressed, but then glorify those who oppressed them. It is a strange and often times horrific duality we live with. It makes me wonder what it would look like if we actually cared about justice and equity in this country, and what it would be like if we actually told the truth about the genocide of Native Americans, the terrorism of African Americans, the exclusion of Asian Americans, on and on and on. Why do we distort these histories? Does it really make it easier for people to live without knowing about these atrocities? Like I have always said, your ignorant bliss is my educated hell… But I know if we could pull people out of ignorance, perhaps we could make people more conscious of their privileges, compassionate towards the pain of others, and willing to make a difference; though perhaps I am too idealistic, but I will continue to fight.

I wondered into a video highlighting the history of the park, and one of the things that I found that connected to my work was the fact that for a time it was protected by the military, before there were park rangers. Even more interesting was that for a time it was protected by 24th Infantry and 9th Cavalry, also known as the Buffalo Soldiers. I though about the idea of these soldiers defending this land from poachers and people grazing their sheep here, in order to protect this beautiful environment. This would seem to be one of the earliest intersections of soldiering and environmentalism, as well as an intersection of race. Framing it within my work we see a shift in the social contract to include the environment as a resource for generations to come. Furthermore, there has been a long history of environmentalism as being a very white movement, which was often built to exclude people of color, with many of it's founders holding very racist ideals and beliefs. But the Buffalo Soldiers who protected this land not for the white folks who wanted to spend their leisure time here, they protected it for the future of all, so that some day their decedents could come look at this beautiful space, even if the white racist environmentalists didn’t see them as equals.

I hiked a bit more before heading over to check in to my tent in Half-dome Village. As I was sitting down resting my feet, an older gentlemen sat next to me and sparked up a conversation. He was a photographer and he clued me into a great place to take pictures at sunset. At first I went to the wrong place, but upon my drive back I saw the turnoff he told me about and I made just in time to watch a beautiful sunset.

El Capitan on the left, Half-dome in the middle, Bridal Veil Falls on the Right.

El Capitan on the left, Half-dome in the middle, Bridal Veil Falls on the Right.

While up there, a nice couple said hi because they had recognized me from around the park throughout the day. Their niceness, as well as the old man I was talking with earlier softened my annoyance with otherpark visitors, as not all are like the entitled dickhead I had ran into twice before.  The day closed, I was tired, I had a whiskey ginger at the bar and headed off to bed.

The next day I went up to Glacier Point, which overlooks the whole valley. It was busy, but I got there just before they closed the road and made people take shuttles up. It was an amazing view, but because of the miles I had hiked the day before my mobility was severely hindered. While I was in pain, it was worth it, since I got this beautiful shot!

Yosemite Falls on the left, Half-dome in the middle, and Vernal Falls on the right.

Yosemite Falls on the left, Half-dome in the middle, and Vernal Falls on the right.


I then headed to Placerville, CA to spend time with my father's side of the family, who I knew the least growing up. It was great getting to know them, and I look forward to staying connected with them! I then headed to Oakland to hangout with a dear friend from grad school, but that is blog for another day, since this one is already getting long, and that one could be an opportunity that could eventually shift my professional outlook for many years to come! But more on that later…

The Road to Budapest

Today I begin my road trip to Budapest (via Colorado, Utah, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and New Jersey… so possibly coming to a city near you). One of my favorite things in this world, as many of you know, is road trips. The feel of being on the road, traveling to new places, meeting new people, seeing old friends, always excites me. While I leave a lot behind, I gain so much in my new adventures. It is through travel and these wonderful experiences that we see how small the world actually is. We see the humanity in others, and the similarities in those we think we have nothing in common with. Perhaps this is partly why I have been so infatuated with travel stories of late. It started last year when I first read George Steinbeck's "Travels with Charlie in Search for America," and I began to feel that travel itch once again. It wasn't long after that, I had decided to travel extensively come hell or high water. I told both departments I was adjuncting for that I would not be back in the fall. The original plan was to fly to Barcelona for the European International Studies Conference in September, then spend a couple months in the city I love and have many wonderful friends, Nuremberg, Germany. I would then travel to Prague, Czech Republic for a couple months to spend time with other friends. All the while I would be focused on writing: turning my dissertation into a book, poetry, fiction, reporting what I'm seeing and experiencing, and political happenings. Once I tired of Europe, I planned on flying to India, and slowly work my way over to Thailand and Vietnam. I wanted to live and experience the most grand travel story, and maybe write it. But life has a funny way of working as I was in Vancouver for a conference, I received an email from Central European University, stating they wanted to set up an interview. With my plans formed of a great adventure, I had already forgotten about the postdoctoral position I had applied to at CEU. The position was a call for someone who did narrative politics, which was right up my alley. They emailed on a Thursday, I skype interviewed on Tuesday, and they offered me the position on Thursday. So within a week I went from gallivanting around the world to having a job in Budapest, Hungary. It seems that this is the best of both worlds, since I finally have a job that will help me progress in my career, and it also allows me to travel the world (while getting paid, added bonus). 

          The two months leading up to this road trip have been a rollercoaster ride, mentally and emotionally. While I had already consigned to leaving Fort Collins, it felt more real. It makes me wonder if I had not been hired, would I have gone through with my grandiose plans? I would like to think that I would, but it was comfortable in Colorado. But perhaps that's the problem, I think I was getting too comfortable, too stagnate. There is a good and bad tension that comes with being a wanderer. While you are free to do what you want, with no real attachments, and there is nothing really holding you down, it can also be very lonely. It seems that me not knowing where I will be in 6 months has always been my fall back excuse for not being in committed relationships. Constantly running, but not sure what I'm running from or to. I know I want something more, I know I don't want to be alone, I know that I want to be successful, but I'm not sure what that means or what it looks like. It's hard to tell right now what my future holds, much of that is dependent upon the next year, maybe this will be a launching pad for a great career, maybe I fall in love again, perhaps both, or possibly neither. Either way I seem to be once again in a constant state of flux, which I love and hate at the same time. Which brings me back to the road. There's something great about road trips, sometimes we hard charge on the interstate, getting from point a to point b. Sometimes we take a detour or take back roads. All the while it is as much of an internal process as it is an external process, because while we think we may know where we're going, who we will see, and what we will do, it is always subject to change, much like life. So perhaps I will see you on the road, maybe I won't, but hopefully I inspire you in some way to take your own road trips, maybe you can come see me. Again, the more we travel the better this world becomes, and the richer our lives are.


Last week in Fort Collins

I have just about a week left here in Fort Collins, and I have been experiencing all the emotions. Sadness that I will soon be leaving the community I love and have invested so much time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears. Happiness and excitement that I am going on a new adventure and progressing my career. Anxiety in the idea of moving to a new country on the other side of the world. Part of me is in denial, as I try to push away all these emotions. I am going to miss my friends and family the most, but those who are closest, will always remain. I am going to miss my routines, and favorite spots around town, from my coffee shops like the Bean Cycle, to my favorite eateries like Aloha Café and the Colorado Room. I will miss Colorado weather and FoCo summers! I will miss my roommates and my downtown apartment. Hell, I'll miss my drive to and from game night down in Denver. There is so much I will miss. But I know there will be new memories, new routines, new eateries, and new friends (not that the old will ever be replaced). I really hope my friends come visit me in Budapest!

It wouldn’t be a proper post if I didn’t at least bring up the political. A part of me is grateful to be leaving this mess that our country is in right now, but that is very selfish, and the other part of me knows I should be staying here to fight! But hopefully I will be gaining new knowledge, skills, and tactics to come back and fight. While I would like to believe that while I am gone, America will get its shit together, and I will come home to a more thoughtful and gracious America, the reality is, many of the problems will still be here when I get back, and it doesn’t seem they will be getting better any time soon. So I need to come back more armed and ready to try and create change. We are more divided in this country now, than any time in my memory. There is a serious lack of empathy in this country, as well as high levels of ignorant hatred, which brings me back to Fort Collins.

Fort Collins is not the perfect community. It has a long way to go. It is very white. It's lack of diversity, and the way it tries to claim how diverse and "woke" it is makes me sick. It is starting to be very expensive and over populated. But even with all these problems, it is still my community, and there are people and programs here working to fight some of these problems. Somedays it feels like a losing battle, as greed, hate, and anger show up in the community, and somedays it feels like this a great community with all the answers (though I know it doesn’t). All of this to say, I will miss this place, and I do hope I am able to return to this community for a long time. But for now, I must leave.